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Policy Statements


Statement on the German Investor Protection Improvement Draft Act (as of October 30, 2024)

Statement on the German Money Laundering Video Identification Draft Regulation (as of June 03, 2024).


Question to ESMA regarding the interpretation of Art. 9 of the ECSPR (as of December 8, 2023).

Statement on the amendment by the parliamentary groups of the Social Democrats, Greens, and Liberal Democrats on Payment Protection Insurance and cooling-off period in the Future Financing Act (as of November 14, 2023).

Statement on the European Commission’s consultation on the proposal for a legislative initiative on cross-border activities of associations (as of November 4, 2023).

Statement on the draft legislative act regarding measures to modernize the capital market and facilitate access to the capital market for companies, especially start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs (as of May 10, 2023).

Questions to ESMA regarding the scope and exemptions in Art. 1 of the ECSPR as well as the pre-contractual reflection period in Art. 22 ECSPR (as of  April 13, 2023).

Questions to ESMA regarding the answers 5.3, 5.7, and 5.8 in ESMA’s Q&A on the ECSPR (as of January 27, 2023).

Letter to the European Commission on the provisional outcome of negotiations on CCD3 bringing direct crowdlending into scope (as of January 3, 2023).


Policy Paper on the DLT Pilot regime and its necessary differentiation from the German rules can be found here. (as of 29.11.2022).

Policy Paper on the liability rules in §§ 32 c,d of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) can be found here. (as of 29.11.2022)

Policy Paper on the BaFin fee practice according to the German Financial Services Supervision Act can be found here. (as of 29.11.2022)

Response to the EU Commission’s consultation on a proposal for a legislative initiative on cross-border activities of associations can be found here. (as of 09.10.2022)

2nd opinion on the revised CCD3 addressing the European Parliament’s draft resolution and the Council’s General Approach can be found here. (as of 07.09.2022)

Opinion on the COM proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2011/83/EU concerning financial services contracts concluded at a distance and repealing Directive 2002/65/EC can be found here. (as of 24.06.2022)

Opinion on the EBA Consultation on draft RTS on credit scoring and loan pricing disclosure, credit risk assessment and risk management requirements for Crowdfunding Service Providers can be found here. (as of 08.03.2022)


Opinion on the EU Commission’s proposal for the revision of the Consumer Credit Directive can be found here. (as of 06.10.2021)

Response on the EBA consultation on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on Individual Portfolio Management of loans offered by crowdfunding service providers unter Art. 6(7) Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 can be found here. (as of 04.09.2021)

Response on the EU Commission’s consultation on a retail investment strategy for Europe can be found here. (as of 03.08.2021)

Response on the ESMA Consultation Paper on draft technical standards under the ECSP Regulation can be found here. (as of: 28.05.2021)

Feedback on the EU Commission’s roadmap to a new EU strategy for retail investors can be found here. (as of: 17.05.2021)

Response on the EU Commission’s call for feedback on a potential SME referral scheme can be found here. (as of: 29.04.2021)

Statement to the Finance Committee of the German Bundestag on the occasion of the hearing on the government draft bill of an accompanying legislation to the ECSP regulation (Schwarmfinanzierung-Begleitgesetz) can be found here. (as of: 16.04.2021)

Statement to the Finance Committee of the German Bundestag on the occasion of the hearing on the Schwarmfinanzierung-Begleitgesetz can be found here. (as of: 16.04.2021)

Statement on the draft law to cap the acquisition commission for payment protection insurance can be found here (Stand: 18.03.2021)

Stellungnahme zum Ent­wurf ei­nes Ge­set­zes zur be­glei­ten­den Aus­füh­rung der Ver­ord­nung (EU) 2020/1503 und der Um­set­zung der Richt­li­nie EU 2020/1504 zur Re­ge­lung von Schwarm­fi­nan­zie­rungs­dienst­leis­tern (Schwarm­fi­nan­zie­rung-Be­gleit­ge­setz) finden Sie hier. (Stand: 12.03.2021)


Stellungnahme zur Konsultation der Europäischen Kommission zu Verbraucherkreditverträgen finden Sie hier. (Stand: 06.10.2020)

Ergänzende Stellungnahme zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des § 501 des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs (hier: Auslegungsmöglichkeiten in Bezug auf Kosten für Darlehensvermittler als Dritte) finden Sie hier. (Stand: 24.09.2020)

Stellungnahme zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des § 501 des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs finden Sie hier. (Stand: 18.09.2020)

Stellungnahme zum Referentenentwurf des BMJV/BMF eines Gesetzes zur Einführung von elektronischen Wertpapieren (eWpG) finden Sie hier. (Stand: 18.09.2020)

Stellungnahme zur Konsultation zum Action Plan der Europäischen Kommission zu Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung  finden Sie hier. (Stand: 26.08.2020)

Stellungnahme zur Konsultation zur Überarbeitung der Strategie für nachhaltige Finanzen durch die Europäische Kommission. (Stand: 15.07.2020)

Stellungnahme  zur Konsultation zum FinTech Action Plan für Europa der Europäischen Kommission. (Stand: 26.06.2020)

Stellungnahme im Rahmen der schriftlichen Anhörung zum Thema „Kostenermäßigung bei vorzeitiger Kreditrückzahlung – Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs vom 11. September 2019 in der Rechtssache C-383/18“ finden Sie hier. (Stand: 28.05.2020)

Stellungnahme zum Referentenentwurf des BMF eines Gesetzes zur Übertragung der Aufsicht über Finanzanlagenvermittler auf die BaFin finden Sie hier. (Stand: 15.01.2020)


Stellungnahme zur European Crowdfunding Service Providers Regulations – Including lending platforms operating „discretionary models“ finden Sie hier. (Stand: 13.12.2019)

Stellungnahme an den Finanzausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages anlässlich der Anhörung zum Jahressteuergesetz 2019 finden Sie hier. (Stand: 21.10.2019)

Stellungnahme zum Jahressteuergesetz 2019 finden Sie hier. (Stand: 09.10.2019)