In this episode, we will take a deep dive at the beginning of the value chain and find out what ensures fast and secure lending since onboarding is one of the most important parts of the lending process. If you mess up here, you risk high dropout rates and poor margins. Hence, how can Digital Lenders design their onboarding in a way that ensures they don’t have to compromise on the quality of their identity checks, KYC/AML requirements and a good customer experience? What are the trends, risks and opportunities? Which technological approaches should lenders be aware of and how easy is it to integrate them? What regulatory compliance requirements need to be considered – such as the Accessibility Directive? How will Open Finance and AI exert influence on the future of onboarding in Digital Lending?
- Nicole Czollek, Director Partner Sales @ Business Service Solution
- Alexander Maier, VP Sales Financial Services @ IDnow
- Damien Guermonprez, Co-Founder and CEO @ Lemonway
- Till Otto, Senior Associate @ Annerton
- Constantin Fabricius, Managing Director of the Digital Lending Association
Please note: The content of this podcast is expressly not to be considered investment advice, but is intended solely for your information.
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