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DLA Attended COM’s and ECB’s Annual Joint Conference on Financial Integration

For the first time, the DLA attended the 'Joint High-Level Conference of the European Commission and the European Central Bank on European Financial Integration' in Frankfurt yesterday. It's a must-attend event for policy makers, regulators, industry leaders, civil society and academics.

The European Commission and the European Central Bank organized their annual conference on European financial integration. At the same time, the ECB presented its report on financial integration and structure in the euro area. In addition, the Commission presented its report on the European Financial Stability and Integration Review (EFSIR). The aim of the annual review is to examine developments in the financial sector, identify potential risks and vulnerabilities and monitor progress towards a well-integrated and stable financial system in the EU.

The conference was attended by high-ranking participants and provided a great opportunity for a personal exchange of views throughout the day. For the DLA and its members, the conference was an important highlight in 2024.

The most relevant statement was this: „We need the Single Rule Book to finally put an end to Gold Plating.“ How true this is!

Click here for more impressions.


Fotocredits: Digital Lending Association