When did the workshop happen?
10/17/2023, online
Who were the trainers?
- Thomas Born, Head Specialty Financial Institutions, Aon
- Luca Rodermund, Head of Sales & Business Development Cyber, Aon
- Dr. Jochen Schuster, Head of Professional Indemnity and Intellectual Property, Aon
- Dr. Theresa Ehlen, Lawyer, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
- Dr. Philipp Roos, Lawyer, Principal Associate, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
What were the targets?
Cyber-attacks continue to increase in number and have increasingly serious consequences. Organizations that can best handle business, economic and operational incidents also have the best IT security strategy for cyberattacks. Organizations must anticipate that a cyberattack could occur at any time and develop appropriate strategies for recovering critical operations and data. This is the only way to ensure optimal resilience. But what does the ideal security architecture look like – especially with respect to GDPR? What insurance policies do I have to think about? What needs to be considered with regard to the use of a cloud?
Participants got an insight based on real-life cases and learn how to prevent and identify risks as well as how to react and recover data as quickly as possible.
What was the content?
Presentation by Thomas Born and Luca Rodermund, Aon
- The current cyber threat landscape
- Examples of latest cyber claims
- How to manage cyber risks?
- Insurance solutions: Minimum requirements for obtaining cyber insurance
- From the appropriate risk assessment to the adequate insurance cover
- Introduction to DORA, the EU Regulation on Digital Operational Resilience for the Financial Sector
Presentation by Dr. Theresa Ehlen and Dr. Philipp Roos, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
- Key legal requirements under the Digital Operational Rescilience Act (‘DORA’) Regulation
- Cyber security governance in corporate structures
- Data protection basics and update on hot topics (EU-US data transfers, GDPR compensation claims, etc.)
- Guidance on how to navigate through the jungle of national and EU acts
12:35pm – 12:55pm – Presentation by Dr. Jochen Schuster, Aon
- Intellectual Property Insurance
- Introduction to the Unified Patent Court
- Intellectual Property Lending / New ways of making use of IP
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