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#6 – FINTICS – The Podcast

Future Financing Act and crowdfunding: drama, next act. 4 highly qualified experts of the policy, fintech, research, and Brussels space discuss the government draft for the future financing act and its relevance for crowdfunding.
We’re talking about a legal delicacy and political bone of contention: the liability provisions in sections 32 c and d of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG). With the Future Financing Act, the German government wanted to eliminate competitive disadvantages to the detriment of German crowdfunding. On the way to the government draft, however, it ran out of courage. Why? No one knows. A highly qualified panel traces the answer, discusses the current legal situation, the proposals of the German government and alternative solutions.Guests:

  • Prof. Dr. Petra Buck-Heeb (Leibniz University Hannover)
  • Max Mordhorst (Member of the German Bundestag)
  • Andreas Knopf, Co-Founder of the Digital Lending Association and General Counsel of Invesdor DACH
  • Oliver Gajda (Founder, Executive Director and Chairman of EUROCROWD – European Crowdfunding Network).


  • Constantin Fabricius, Managing Director of the Digital Lending Association.
For the complete episode click here please or just listen into the audiogramme.